Simple DIY Valentine’s Day card

Are you like me and love making your own greeting cards, but seem to be repeating the same design over and over?

While there were so many other things I should have done during the baby’s nap yesterday, I instead decided to make Valentine’s Day cards (we all need some offline-non-chore time, don’t we?).

I was reminiscing about elementary school craft time when we’d make accordion hearts or stick figures. Or when we’d fold up paper and make snowflakes. So I thought I’d revert back to my grade 3 craft days and make some paper hearts!

Want a refresher on how to do it? It’s super simple and creates a fun pop-up style card.

1. Start with a long and thin piece of paper (I already created a basic card before this step).

2. Fold it like an accordion.

3. While folded, cut the square into a heart shape, but make sure to not cut the folded sides.

4. Glue one end of the hearts and stick it onto the card.

5. Add glue to the other end, then fold the card so it sticks in place.

6. Then open it up, and voila, a pop-up paper heart Valentine’s Day card!

Share this DIY card idea with friends or family and tag me on social media @coralie_stern or @livelyco_inc!