5 ways you’re secretly killing your reputation online

Let’s say you’re given a topic to blog about for your company.  You nail that perfect headline, you’ve dreamed up excellent points to deliver and you have research to back them up.  You hit ‘publish’ and it shoots it across all of your social media platforms.

Well done!  Only now, you’re realizing the metrics on social shares are far from what you expected.  Why?  Read a little closer. Continue reading “5 ways you’re secretly killing your reputation online”

Having a strong online brand starts with a having share-worthy customer experience

How local BC start-up Elevated Experiences is helping companies uncover the friction points and gaps in customer service like never before

Having a strong online reputation, more times than not, stems from having great customer service.  Whether you’re selling a product, service, or idea, people can be reviewing you, talking about you, sharing your content, and trying to get a hold of you – even if you’re not online! Continue reading “Having a strong online brand starts with a having share-worthy customer experience”

What is the Instagram ‘Shadowban’? How you could be affected without knowing

Coralie digs deeper into the buzzword ‘Shadowban’ stemming from Instagram banning the use of certain hashtags. In this video she covers:
– What is the Shadowban?
– Why you need to research hashtags before using them
– Is it a good idea to buy your followers on Instagram?

Continue reading “What is the Instagram ‘Shadowban’? How you could be affected without knowing”

How can you deal with online trolls? Coralie sits down with CFAX 1070 radio’s Adam Stirling

Trolls.  They are the nasty naysayers of our online world.  They are more common than ever and feed off of making people, notably business owners, miserable.

I wrote an article for Douglas Magazine’s latest issue called ‘Don’t let the trolls get you down,’ which hits stands today (June 1).  Find the best spot to pick up your copy here.

I also had the pleasure of sitting down with CFAX 1070 radio host Adam Stirling to discuss my findings and share some stories.

Wants some tips on how to mitigate the wrath of these trolls?

Have a listen!

Source: CFAX 1070’s iHeartRadio app. We recommend you source all of the station’s content (and tune in often!) using this app.

And of course, don’t forget to ‘Keep It Lively’!

– xo Coralie